Monday, January 10, 2011

Uncle SAM*

*Singaporeans have the cute habit of calling elder people Uncles or Aunties! SAM stands for Singapore Art Museum.

The Singapore Art Museum is located on Bras Basah Rd, right next to the newly opened MRT station (circle line).

The building is amazing! Used to be a french boys' school, and the renovation brings out the spirit of the building very nicely! It is great to walk around the building, although I felt there are not enough signs or guides, and it might get a bit tiring to look for the galleries after a while, as they are so spread out. However, this makes the museum quite unique in the sense that I often felt I was completely alone wondering around, making the experience more intense than usual.

I was not particularly impressed by most of the exhibits; there are quite a few exhibitions featuring different themes, but none made my jaw drop.

I did enjoy the Earth and Water exhibitions ("Land Below the Wind" and "Water and Movement") a lot, though. Displaying works of artists of the SE Asia region, there were some very strong pieces in there, and the connection with the specific countries came out pretty clear.

The "Aromascape of Singapore", a collective interactive piece of art begins with a very original idea, but it feels it lacks the support that could have elevated it.

There are worthwhile efforts to bring the public closer to modern art:
-the learning gallery, displaying pieces from the museum's permanent collection, but featuring detailed descriptions, and sections specifically tailored for children, asking the "right" questions, so one is trained to see art with a critical eye.
-the "made for SAM" series, where artists have been asked to produce everyday objects-every artist was given the same question- coming up with some pretty original ideas, that visitors can buy at a very affordable price.

I am not sure if I am allowed to post more pictures of the museum here- no intention to fringe anyone's copyrights! However, my visit to the museum resulted in a picture that I like to think of as a piece of contemporary art. You will be happy to know I have decided to share it with you below:

My piece is entitled "Not enough chairs".

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